Broccoli, BULK Heirloom 'Calabrese Ramoso', Organic, UAE - Greenheart Organic Farms
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Broccoli, BULK Heirloom 'Calabrese Ramoso', Organic, UAE

AED39 AED 34.50 / portion (1kg)

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Broccoli, BULK, ‘Calabrese Ramoso’, organic

Our own Broccoli is back in season. Freshly picked every morning and 100% chemical free. This organic Broccoli is delicious, sweet and grown in proper farm-made soil. Taste the difference!

Broccoli was derived from the wild cabbage in 6th century BC Italy. Since the Roman Empire, Broccoli has been considered a uniquely valuable food amongst Italians but only spread through the rest of Europe from the 17th century onwards and wasn’t introduced to the United States until 19th century with the arrival of Italian immigrants. There are three commonly grown types of Broccoli. Calabrese Broccoli (named after Calabria in Italy) has large green heads with thick stalks, Sprouting Broccoli has a large number of heads with many thin stalks and Purple Sprouting Broccoli, similar to the regular sprouting variety but with bright purple small heads.

Organic Certification Number:ESMA E20-05-000056