New Zealand Spinach, BULK, Heirloom, Organic, UAE - Greenheart Organic Farms
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New Zealand Spinach, BULK, Heirloom, Organic, UAE

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New Zealand Spinach, BUULK, Heirloom, Organic

Meet the latest addition to our Greens. As the name suggests it’s native of New Zealand and was transported to Europe by Captain Cook in the late 18th century. This crop is quite heat resilient but it has still taken us a long time to gather a decent amount of seeds to grow it during the summer. This first batch is relatively small but we’re slowly but surely working on increasing our output.

It’s my sons favourite Green and his regular quality controls are also the reason why we have made slow progress :-).

The best part of the plant is the delicious leaves. It has a similar flavour and texture to Spinach except the leaves are a bit smaller, more succulent , thicker and ‘fuzzier’. New Zealand Spinach can be eaten raw, steamed, or cooked. It’s great in stir fries as it keeps its shape for quite a long time when heated.

Like any leafy vegetable New Zealand Spinach is bursting with vitamins and minerals.  It is particularly high in Vitamin K, Manganese, Vitamin B6 and C as well as Iron and Copper.

Certifiction Number: ESMA E20-05-00056