Tomatoes, Beef, Organic, UAE - Greenheart Organic Farms
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Tomatoes, Beef, Organic, UAE

Beef Tomatoes, organic

Our organic Beef Tomatoes are ripening on the vine until they are a lovely colour and full of flavour and nutrients.

Tomatoes grow on vines and can be harvested for up to three months. They are originally from South America and were spread around the world following the Spanish colonization of the Americas. Tomatoes were introduced to the Middle East in the early 19th century. Nowadays there are more than 7,500 varieties grown worldwide. Eventually we will be growing more than 20 different types of which many will be heirloom varieties.

This variety is smaller in size then other Beef varieties and has a typical tomato flavour with a delicious sweet undertone and dense texture. Great in sandwiches or hot dishes.

Certification Number: ESMA E17-10-00-8292